

What is Good Customer Service to You? 5 Things Customers Expect and How to Deliver

What is Good Customer Service to You? 5 Things Customers Expect and How to Deliver

customer at counter
 Did you know,  half of the American shoppers abandon their purchase when they experience poor customer service? 
The stats speak for themselves; so, you need to ensure your consumers get the support they need. 
This then begs the question; what is good customer service to you?
Let’s dive in!

1. Accessible Support

If you have a tiny team, you may find email’s easier to manage than a live chat feature. As amazing as live chat is, they require someone to be continually available- which for smaller brands just isn’t sustainable. 
One of the best things about email support is that you can communicate your average response time on your contact page and in your auto-response. That way you can manage your consumer’s expectations. 
Emailing also provides a record of all your conversations, so you can get a feel for how satisfied your customers really are.
Every few months or so,  go back through these emails. Are there any complaints about the support you’re offering? Are there any reoccurring problems? If so, learn from these mistakes and improve the experience you provide shoppers. 

2. Know Your Products and Services Inside Out

This may sound obvious, but customers are looking for help. So, nothing frustrates them more than when you can’t provide answers to their concerns. 
So, you and your team need to swot up and get to grips with all your products and services. 

3. Positivity 

There’s nothing worse than speaking to someone with a bad attitude. So, don’t fall into that trap. We suggest that you avoid using negative phrases when you talk to customers. When you exude negativity, it’s hardly surprising your customers will do too.
So, focus on solutions, rather than the issues. This means relieving their burden as best as you possibly can. The last thing customers want is to hear a list of things you’re unable to help them with. 
No matter what the issue is, show you’re committed to finding the answer. This is best done using phrases that show you’re working together to find a solution- after all; you don’t want your customer to feel like a burden!

4. Accountability 

If you’re handling shoppers face-to-face, it’s handy to wear a name badge. These work wonders for making you look approachable and bridging the gap between you and the consumer. 
Not to mention, they create a sense of accountability amidst your staff, and customers understand and appreciate that. They know that if they have a terrible experience, they’re able to report them to a supervisor. 
For more info about name badges, click here.  

What is Good Customer Service to You?

We hope you now have an answer to the question; what is good customer service to you? 
For more info on building a better rapport with your customers, please feel free to reach out and contact us. We always respond to our readers as soon as we possibly can. Speak soon! 

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