

Design Basics: The Importance of Logo Design

Design Basics: The Importance of Logo Design

importance of logo
You know that strong website design, the right digital marketing strategy, and of course, providing superior products or services is the best way to get your business off on the right foot. 
But one essential element that you might be overlooking? The importance of logo design for your business. 
In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about why a logo is important for your company and branding strategy. 
This way, you’ll be ready to create a design that connects with your market, makes it clear what your brand is all about, and works to build your overall brand recognition no matter where your logo is placed. 

1. Logos Build Brand Recognition 

The goal of your logo is to encourage your market to make a connection between the image that they’re seeing and your company. 
The faster a customer is able to recognize your logo and the products you offer, the more likely that they’ll be interested in what you’re showing them. It’s all about making a connection with your target market and building up consumer trust. 
Plus, when a logo is easily recognized, it says that the company behind it has already established a strong reputation. Consumers want to be a part of what they feel is the “next big thing” or a major player within a specific industry.
Your logo is the foundation of your entire branding strategy at large — so don’t rush into your design or go with overly trendy options. 
Remember that, each time you tweak or completely redesign your logo, you’re essentially starting from scratch on your brand recognition. Make sure you’ve selected a design that can stand the test of time and the changing needs of your market. 

2. They Get the Attention of Your Target Market

You may have heard that you and your brand only have about seven seconds to make a lasting first impression. 
However, when your target market only glances at your logo for a few moments while scrolling through social media feeds or flipping through pages of a magazine? 
You have even less time. 
The importance of logo design when it comes to attracting attention from your target market can’t be overstated. You need to work to ensure that your target market actually recognizes themselves and their needs in your logo design. 
This means you’ll need to do your research when it comes to what images, colours, and even fonts your target market is most likely to respond to.
Take a look at the logo designs of other companies your market follows on social media or responds to. Find commonalities in those logos and include a few of those elements in your own design. 
Additionally, don’t be afraid to tell a story with your design. A good logo is one that makes your market curious. 

3. Logos Communicate What Your Company Provides

Another big reason why a logo is important? Because it can clearly and concisely communicate to your market exactly what your company does. 
The trick here is to select a strong central image — one that’s recognizable without being cliched. 
For example, if you’re a doctor’s office, you might initially reach for central images like a red or green cross, a pill bottle, or a heart rate monitor. While these pictures make it easy for your market to understand that you work in the medical field, they’re also the same images your competitors are using in their logos. 
Instead, try making those images your own.
You can do this by switching out the colours, showing them in an active design, or even choosing a picture that’s much less common but still related to the medical field (like a prescription pad or a thermometer.) 

4. They Differentiate You from the Competition

As much as you’d like to be, you know that you’re not the only game in town. 
While conducting thorough research on your competition will help you to target a different niche market and identify their weak spots? All of that hard work will be for nothing if your branding strategy isn’t strong enough to allow consumers to easily tell you apart. 
This is where the finer elements of logo design, like creating a bespoke font or having a local artist draw up a custom central image for your logo come into play.
You can use these smaller elements elsewhere in your branding strategy to ensure that your brand never gets muddled with that of your competition. For example, use that custom font on your business card or a website. When you design your social media pages, make the logo your profile picture. 
A strong logo can also generate serious buzz about your business, as it hints that you’re already well-established. You want to look like you already have a great reputation — and the right logo design for business can help you to do just that. 

The Importance of Logo Design: Wrapping Up

We hope that this post has helped you to better understand the importance of logo design. 
Remember, no matter your target market, the size of your company or even the industry that you work within, the right logo design for business can make all the difference. 
The goal is to create elements that reinforce what you have to offer, catch the attention of your target market, and set you apart from the competition. 
In need of more web and graphic design tips? Want to know where you can go to try to create your own logo design?
Keep checking back with us to learn how to ensure that your website, logo, and overall design strategy make a lasting impression. 

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